Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Life's little lessons

Today is a momentous day. Though yesterday brought with it the frankly terrific hour-and-a-half training session on how to correctly load paper into photo-copiers, today is a new day and with it comes a new challenge. Manual lifting. Apparantly I have been doing it all wrong! I pondered this as-yet unlearned skill last night as I lugged home a bale of briquettes from Spar. In case you're interested, I carry a bale of briquettes like I'd carry a baby, if I had one; namely upside down and under my arm. I don't think you're supposed to drop babies every 100 ft and kick them in fury while cursing foully though. Then again, babies aren't really for bringing home and burning in your fireplace.

To sum up, I have concluded that I am not ready for motherhood just yet.


Mossy said...

Will You add me to your blog so I can redesign your site?

Lucy said...

God, is it that painfully ugly that you can't bear to look at it? Fine, fine, off to do that now...

Mossy said...

can you add me to admin too?