Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tender passions

The boy in the sandwich shop FANCIES me. Today he managed to sneak bits of grated carrot and red cabbage into my sandwich; last week it was bits of red cheddar. If love was a salad it would be... well not much of one, actually. Oh yes, some might say that it's because he's a shabby sandwich maker and never cleans his chopping board between orders: not so. I say it's because he cherishes a flame of desire for yours truly in his manly breast. What would you losers know about romance anyway? Or salads for that matter.


Anonymous said...

If this chap has "manly breasts" maybe he should be keeping said salad for himself. You should cut down on the pork pies mate, GET SOME EXCERCISE

Huw said...

And here was me thinking the way to a lady's heart is with flowers and stuff.

Note to self: buy some carrots and cheese for that special someone.

Chris Cope said...

This is how I won the heart of my wife. I put meat in her pocket.

No, wait. That sounds terribly rude...

Curly said...

Chris - is this related to the 'I wanna hold your ham' incident?

A girl once won my affections when she served me a beer then sought me out an hour later to give me two tokens (of four) towards a free pint! Romantic eh?