Thursday, April 14, 2005

See This Crooked Finger?

I am just back from stepping outside for a quick cigarette (on my break, naturally; I would never abscond on company time), where I was fortunate enough to overhear the angry rumblings of a shaggy-haired young man. First and foremost in his grumbles was the fact that his friend was over-charging him for for two ounces of some illicit substance. I am not the most careful of citizens but I would consider discussing this on a busy street corner with various dubious student-types milling idly around rather risky. I mean, I could be an undercover cop.

Next he gave out about the Irish healthcare system. The state of old-age homes in Ireland. Irish schools. Irish roads. Irish weather. Prison sentences not being hefty enough. The Taoiseach. The President. Bono. The pope's funeral. Car-clamping in the city. The price of pints. Then his complaints gave way to a more pressing issue; DIT library. Apparently, earlier today, some 'bitch librarian' charged him a €5 fine for using his mobile in the library. And then had the cheek to say his books were overdue and would he pay a €2.60 fine on them. What a poor, long-suffering young man! I almost feel sorry for him. The world is so against him and his carefree, fun-loving ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was it you who fined him? Probably was I know how partial you are to the ol' power trip!