Friday, October 15, 2004

No Regrets

Oh, sweet Jesus. I am still drunk. I just stuck my tongue out at someone. IN WORK!! I stuck my tongue out at someone I work with. I don't know what came over me. Five pints of fat frogs last night, maybe. I am such a lush.

Went to a lovely place last night, called Barcode, which is over a swimming pool. Felt very swish walking in over the pool, very Dallas. No, I don't know why swimming pools remind me of Dallas, they just do, okay?! The Dallas effect was slightly ruined by the boys making me run even though my left shoe kept falling off and I was crying plaintively 'wait, wait, don't run!'. Bastards. That and the ludicrously coloured beverage in my hand at all times. Did you know mixers and cocktails only came into vogue during prohibition era in America when spirits had to be disguised to avoid prosecution? Interesting...


Anonymous said...

lay off the fat frogs ya yuppie easy knowin someones in the money i'll have ya know they cost over e15 for two in the lovely Tramore

Anonymous said...

Quit drinking.

Lucy said...

Bite me.

Anonymous said...

Hey - have just come across your site when I was googling for Fat Frogs! I was in Dublin last week - and actually in Barcode drinking numerous Fat Frogs! Man, I love that place...still searching for a place to buy fat-frogs in the UK though...they're gorgeous!